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My Account
What We Do
Rapid Response Teams
Concealed Carry Courses
Rev-Tac Weather Station
Capability and Facility Brief
About Us
The Facility
Aerial Operation Capabilities
Critical Incident
Follow-On Recon Missions
Lone Operator Course
Mid-Range Rifle/Carbine Gunfighter
Pistol Courses
Precision Rifle Courses
Premiere Land Navigation
Tactical Medicine
Sniper, Recon, Scout, Task Force Selection
Courses We Offer
Concealed Carry Courses
Long Range Precision
Private Lessons
AR Fundamentals
Arts and Crafts
Choosing to Kill Seminar
Defensive Pistol
Home Defense: Use of Force and Scenario Training
Introduction to Red Dot Pistol
Law Enforcement Gunfighting Pistol
No Light/Low Light Training
Pistol Fundamentals
Pistol Test Drive
Rapid Response and De-Escalation Training
Situational Awareness
Tactical Shotgun
Trauma Management
Weapon Retention
Women's Introduction to Every Day Carry
Women's Defensive Tactics
Youth Defensive Tactics
Youth Intro to Firearms
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
RTTI Waiver
At the Range
Range Membership
Event Planning
CDH Legacy Sniper Competition
Sniper Competition 2025
Spectator FAQ's
Register for Classes
Class Schedule
Sign In
My Account
What We Do
Rapid Response Teams
Concealed Carry Courses
Rev-Tac Weather Station
Capability and Facility Brief
About Us
The Facility
Aerial Operation Capabilities
Critical Incident
Follow-On Recon Missions
Lone Operator Course
Mid-Range Rifle/Carbine Gunfighter
Pistol Courses
Precision Rifle Courses
Premiere Land Navigation
Tactical Medicine
Sniper, Recon, Scout, Task Force Selection
Courses We Offer
Concealed Carry Courses
Long Range Precision
Private Lessons
AR Fundamentals
Arts and Crafts
Choosing to Kill Seminar
Defensive Pistol
Home Defense: Use of Force and Scenario Training
Introduction to Red Dot Pistol
Law Enforcement Gunfighting Pistol
No Light/Low Light Training
Pistol Fundamentals
Pistol Test Drive
Rapid Response and De-Escalation Training
Situational Awareness
Tactical Shotgun
Trauma Management
Weapon Retention
Women's Introduction to Every Day Carry
Women's Defensive Tactics
Youth Defensive Tactics
Youth Intro to Firearms
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
RTTI Waiver
At the Range
Range Membership
Event Planning
CDH Legacy Sniper Competition
Sniper Competition 2025
Spectator FAQ's
Register for Classes
Class Schedule
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
Rev-Tac Training Institute (RTTI)
RTTI Waiver
RTTI Liability Waiver
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
**1. Assumption of Risk:** I understand that participation in jiu-jitsu involves physical activity that may carry inherent risks, including but not limited to injury, illness, or death. I voluntarily assume all risks associated with my participation in jiu-jitsu classes and related activities at Rev-Tac Training Institute or Rev-Tac Firearm Instruction. **2. Release of Liability:** In consideration of my participation (and my children's participation), I hereby release, waive, and discharge Rev-Tac Training Institute, Rev-Tac Firearm Instruction, Lady Boss Properties, and Coffee King, its owners, instructors, employees, and agents from any and all liabilities for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur during my participation, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. **3. Medical Clearance:** I affirm that I am (and my children are) in good health and have no known medical conditions that would prevent my participation in jiu-jitsu activities. I have consulted with my physician regarding any necessary medical clearance. **4. Indemnification:** I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Rev-Tac Training Institute, Rev-Tac Firearm Instruction, Lady Boss Properties, and Coffee King, from any claims, losses, damages, or expenses, including attorney fees, arising from my participation in activities at the Rev-Tac Training Institute and Rev-Tac Firearm Instruction. **5. Governing Law:** This waiver shall be governed by the laws of the State of Iowa and Nebraska, dependent on where the class is being held. **6. Acknowledgment:** I have read this waiver and understand its contents. I am signing this waiver voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.
I Agree
Children's Name(s) - If Applicable
Thank you!