New to the range, shooting or just want to learn more on basic fundamentals? This course is for you! Come have a blast and learn a ton while you get your training for your permit in 34-39 states!

Iowa Residents:
Only need the classroom portion: $50 (add MN for another $50- includes the range time) for the classroom only but the range portion is encouraged!
SD-Enhanced, Nebraska, Kansas, and MN-Non Residents:
$100. (Includes required range time AND classroom)

Bring a handgun, holster, 50 rounds (100 if you live in SD) belt, dress for the weather (range is outside), Photo ID.

** Don't have equipment or ammo? Let us know...we've got it for you to use!**
It's $100 for the course or $150 if you need to loan equipment and buy ammo.

You can pay in advance with the link below, or pay the day of the class!

Also get your AZ training for no additional fee!
For more information, call or text us at (712) 253-8810
See you there!


Upcoming Classes at our range!
(1545 Knox Blvd. Jackson, NE 68743)
**Unless otherwise noted

April 2: 4:30PM - 9:30PM
April 6 (Sunday): 1:00PM - 7:00PM

May 10 (Saturday): 9:00AM - 4:00PM

Nebraska CCW Permit Applications:

Please use the link below for application appointments at Nebraska State Patrol!


Q - What if I’m traveling through a state that doesn’t honor my permit?

A - Go around! Just kidding! You can’t carry there but you can TRANSPORT your firearm. So pull over before state line, clear your firearm, lock it in the trunk or out of reach  and store the ammo separately from the firearm where it is not easily accessible. Unloaded, cased and out of reach.

Q - Do I still need a Permit To Purchase if I have my Permit To Carry?

A - Nope! Your permit to carry doubles as your permit to purchase. This saves you money and makes the process of buying firearms easier!

Q - How long do I have to file for my permit after I take the course?

A - Your paperwork is good for 1 year.

Q - How long is my permit good for and will they send me a notice when it’s due to be renewed?

A - It’s good for 5 years, and they don’t send you a reminder! Look at the date it expires and renew it a few months before that!

Utah Non-Resident FAQ

Q - Why would I need the Utah permit? I never go to Utah!

A - Neither do we! The permit adds additional states to where you can carry. It allows South Dakota residents to carry in Nebraska. If a state you travel to doesn’t recognize your resident permit they may recognize the Utah permit.

Q - If I get the Utah Permit, do I need the permit from where I live too?

A - Yes! Utah requires you to maintain a resident permit in good standing if the state you live in offers a permit to carry. You can take the class before you have your states permit but you will need to include a copy of your resident permit with your Utah application!

Nebraska CCW FAQ

Q - If I take the Nebraska course in Iowa can I use the certificate to apply for my Nebraska CCW permit?

A - Yes! You can take the Nebraska CCW Course anywhere, the content is what is required, not the location.

Q - What do I need to bring with me to the range qualification?

A - Bring an ID, the firearm you plan to carry, the holster you plan to carry in, 100 rounds of ammunition, eye protection and ear protection.

General FAQ

Q - I was looking at your calendar and don’t  see a date for a class I want to take. What should I do?

A - This is easy! Figure out a date that works for you and then call us! We will do our best to make to schedule a class on that date for you!

Q - I’ve never shot a gun before and don’t own one yet, but want to. Where should I start this process?

A - You have a few different places you can start. Baby steps are always a good thing. We encourage you to start by taking our Concealed Carry course for your state. During this course, you can handle about 20 of the most common carry guns on the market, find out how they operate and slowly get comfortable with the way they function, without having to fire them that day. Then come to a Basic Pistol/Test-Drive course and build good habits with the fundamentals of shooting!  Then when your permit comes, you will be ready to go buy a gun that you KNOW you will love!