rapid response teams
Fate favors the prepared.
Our staff are not only experts on the range, but understand that we win 100% of the fights that we DON'T get in. With a focus on prevention by creating an undesirable target for an attack, teaching your staff the early warning signs and appropriate responses, we can mitigate potential threats BEFORE they become deadly.
With the goal being to save lives, we teach what to do before the attack, swift actions during the attack, and simple life-saving skills after the attack. The reality is that your body won't go where your mind hasn't. On the worst day of your life, you will not magically learn the skills to be effective and efficient in saving those around you- this isn't Hollywood. It's been proven that you will fall back on your lowest levels of training...and this is where Rev-Tac's instruction will pay dividends.
Where to start:
We can tailor training opportunities for the specific needs of your district. The best place to begin is with our "Multi-Layered Rapid Response Teams" seminar. This 2-3 hour block of instruction isn't some boring old lecture but a thoughtful discussion between our staff and your staff. With so many things to consider, we want to ensure that you're creating a plan that makes sense for your district. We present relevant eye-opening statistics on past attacks from unavoidable pre-threat indicators to behaviors of an attacker during an attack. We review both the good decisions and the bad decisions by defenders in past attacks so that we can learn without being forced to experience it first-hand.

What's next?
If your district plans on arming staff, then we need to create the most up-to-date foundation in firearm safety and marksmanship. We offer 4-hour blocks of training in this and have seen the best results with spending 8 hrs. on the range initially to cover and master the fundamentals.
Next, we need to move into giving your staff a SOLID understanding of state and federal laws as it pertains to USE OF FORCE and deadly force. From a moral, legal and financial standpoint, it's vital to be fluent in the laws that pertain to carrying a firearm for personal defense. Our Multi-State Concealed Carry Class covers those topics as well as emphasizes the magnitude of lethal force. We offer this in a classroom only option or a classroom plus range-time depending on your state's requirements. This can be 4-8 hours.
The key to winning anything is to be better prepared than your opponent. In our world, this would be a tactical advantage to quickly and effectively deal with a threat. Tactics have to be taught and practiced to make them second nature. We don't need theatrics or some action movie routine but a solid understanding of cover/concealment, precision under pressure, malfunctions, reloads, efficient and safe holster work, firearm retention, muzzle awareness and communication during a critical incident. Typically, 8 hours on the range.
At this point we've built a confident and capable marksman, but we need to continue to add dynamic tools to our "tactical toolbox" by learning how to effectively move to contact. The considerations for this training are to maximize how quickly your staff recognizes an attack, moves to the threat and ends a threat without becoming a victim, or causing any unnecessary casualties...like crossfire or improper identification of a threat. The concepts here will help your staff quickly enter and clear rooms maximizing survivability. We teach this on the live range for 4-8 hours and then like to follow it up with scenario-based training at your school. Rev-Tac provides match-grade airsoft, along with all the equipment, and actors for extremely realistic experiences on site. This gives you the opportunity to audit and refine policies, tactics and communication.
Not everyone who wants to be part of the solution will want to carry a firearm. Your awareness and medical teams are a vital role to the overall success of threat avoidance and mitigation. If you are going to be armed, then it's imperative that you have trauma management skills also. We teach a 4 or 8 hour block of instruction called "Tactical Medicine" that will train your staff on simple and proven lifesaving techniques that will improve the overall outcome of a critical incident. We don't want to overwhelm anyone with complicated processes, so our curriculum focuses on the "lethal triad"...stop the bleeding, keep them breathing and keep them warm. We cover proper tourniquet applications as well as building your trauma kits to fit your budgets and personal needs.
Other considerations that we can lead/assist:
Empty-handed skills/defensive tactics
Weapon retention training
Gear selection standards
Annual or bi-annual qualifications
Continuing education and annual training opportunities
Long gun training
Building your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Rapid Response Teams (RRT)