Premiere Land Navigation

30+ points.

300—2000 meter point-to-point movements.

Hills and valleys with 400 feet of elevation change will challenge even the fittest participant.

Five current variations assure that your trainees don’t follow each other.

Optional self-correcting or star course (pre-requested by unit).

On-site camping for follow-up missions.

Properly Preparing Units and Agencies for Technical Land Nav

•MGRS maps provided.

•Optional levels of difficulty pre-requested.

•Established  AXP’s and medical plans.

•Unmatched terrain association in the Midwest.

•This will set up soldiers for success at: Ranger, Mountain Warfare, Sniper, BLC, ALC and any other school that has land nav as a requirement.

•This sets up agencies to understand navigating in environments that are not permissive to GPS.

•Rev-Tac can provide top-tier instructors upon request.