1 Day (8 hrs) LE Dynamic Red-Dot Course:
** Morning Safety Brief, Medical Emergency Job Assignments
**Equipment Setup and Maintenance- the features of the optic, how to group and zero your optic
** Fundamentals of pistol marksmanship review- stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger press
** Zero Confirmation: Practical Application- 7-10-15-25 yard zeroes
** Height Over Bore Discussion, and Demonstration: 3/5/7yrds
** "Finding your dot" Discussion, demo and live-fire drills:
** Modern Holster Work Discussion, demo and live-fire drills:
** Point-Precise-Perfect Discussion, demo and drills:
** Individual Efficiency Review: Eliminating wasted movements and refining the time it takes to find your dot and make well placed shots.
** Speed-Up! Timed Draws to Accurate First Round Impacts:
** Distance Drills: Refining your point of aim, minimizing dot brightness and optic limitations demonstrated in a live environment.
** Pistol Walk-Off: Gathering Data On Your Pistol At Distances 25-100+ yds. This builds knowledge of your bullets flight path and how you should hold in order to make first round impacts at distance.
** End of Day Debrief and AAR
** Receive Certificate of Completion
Gear list:
-Functioning authorized duty pistol and acceptable agency approved holster.
-Ear/Eye Protection (electronic noise cancellation muffs or buds preferred but not required. No Apple Airpods) Extra batteries.
- Authorized Kit (belt, plater carrier, chest rig, load bearing equipment, etc): Anything you'd normally operate in.
- 3 plus mags minimum
- Mag holder/pouches
- Appropriate range clothes for all temperatures that season.
- Note taking material
-Water, electrolyte drinks, coffee and snacks are normally provided. Meals are not.
- 300+ rounds
Course cost: $200/student
Onsite Lodging
View Rev-Tac's Facility and Capabilities Brief at:
Email timgrover@rev-tac.com for more information
Stay for Red-Dot Defensive Pistol Tactics June 3rd!