Sunday’s Stages at Verzani Farms

Cold bore

This stage is simple actually- give your best first shot- because often you don’t get a second chance. Teams will come up with “cold” guns that have not been fired yet that day, dial or hold the data for the known distance and either HIT or MISS. No follow up shots. This is critical for teams to know how their guns perform “cold”…so you might see some poopy faces if they don’t!

Want to try it yourself? You can run your rifle at this stage or use one of ours! All you have to do is donate $20 or more to our non-profit, Contact Front at this stage to step right up and get after it!


This term is used for bad guys who are running away from a building, a hide or an ambush…get your mind out of the gutter! At this stage, the sniper teams will both do their best to engage each running target to effectively neutralize the threat! It’s hard enough to do, now do it from a vehicle!

mad mile

This is the last stage of the event and most team’s will have an idea where they are ranking in the competition…it’s time to make a power move! Gamble it all and shoot out to 1800m or shoot for targets that are closer, but worth much less points? It’s a choice they will have to make on the fly since they only have 10 rounds each and 3 minutes to use them!

This is a stage you will want to try! Bring your own rifle (unloaded and in a case) or use our .50 cal! To try it on your own, with our spotters assisting you, it’s just a $20 donation to our non-profit Contact Front! Or you can give it a few shots with our .50 for $50!

Stop resisting

How hard is it to hit moving targets at a really long ways (can’t tell you how far on here)? Well it’s a lot harder than it looks! Both the sniper and the spotter will be responsible for clearing a polish plate rack and texas star with limited rounds!

Want to try it yourself? A $25 donation will let you try it with your own equipment or a $50 donation will get you everything you need to kick butt on this stage!